It’s been over four months since our last Yena/FYI and, to be honest, we’ve missed sharing with you all.

So we’ve decided to start doing it (at least) in quarterly format to keep you all updated on goings on. The more educational – and previous FYI emails that you all loved so much – will be live on our blog in the coming week(s) too.

Things in the Yena office have been super busy and, if you’ve been keeping up with us elsewhere, you’re sure to have heard about some of our progress so far in 2019. There should, however, be a couple of surprises in here too. 😉

We’ve had 57 new rebels join our community since the start of the year which is by far the biggest quarter we’ve ever had. Alongside that we’ve launched our Rebel Meetups in Kingston, Nottingham & Singapore, and got another three launches lined up for the next quarter as well.

To be honest, these two achievements alone would be enough to bring a smile to my face, but…

We’ve also landed our first Yena for Communities (YxC for short) partner, the awesome Campfire in Shoreditch, who will now be able to offer Yena Memberships to all of their community for free!

But, as we mentioned before Christmas, we are planning BIG moves in 2019 which means we’ve been doing some thinking about the future as well.

The Yena Team, along with some of our members and advisors, headed out to Yeo Valley for an Away Day at the start of March. We had an amazing set of sessions that really enabled to focus our goals over the next couple of months, whilst also thinking through our long-term strategy. All accompanied by some delicious grub.

Two key things came out of the day as a result…

  • Surveying our members 👀

On a scale of ‘Not disappointed 😐’ to ‘Please don’t leave me 😭’ it turns out that our members would miss us quite a bit if we weren’t around. 😏

  • We’re launching a Member Board 🎉

Many companies will have a set of advisors who meet on a regular basis to help guide the organisation forward. But we’ve decided that the traditional way of approaching it doesn’t work for us.

So we’re redefining how governance operates and curating a set of advisors made from and for our community: a Member Board! Watch this space…

Now, we knoooow this sounds like a lot which is why, to top it all off, we confirmed the details of this year’s Member Retreat!

This May we’ll be spending 3 days in Morocco to learn some surfing (no experience required!), explore the coast and switch off for a while. There’s still a couple of spaces left if you fancy coming along, just make sure you join Yena first. 😜

That’s it from us right now, but you’re sure to hear more from us over the coming months as we gear up for something very exciting. Get ready!

– Abby x