We’re excited to announce Deazy as a new Featured Partner!

The technical hurdles that founders face can often be the most daunting thing when you’re first starting your business. With a plethora of packages, prices and delivery styles, the options can often be overwhelming, especially if you’re a non-technical founder. That’s why we’ve partnered with Deazy.

Deazy is a development platform, connecting you with the world’s best development teams at negotiated nearshore rates and supporting you with in-house product managers and designers.

As a supporter of Yena’s mission and one of our partners, Deazy will further power the benefits we provide to startups all around the world, whilst also sharing their own knowledge and insight with our community.

Speaking of the partnership, Andy Peddar, CEO of Deazy, said We’re excited to partner with Yena at Deazy! The partnership feels like a perfect fit given the vision and culture of both teams as well as the entrepreneurs we already support between us.  Deazy provides flexible development resources to startups and scaleups and so we look forward to helping Yena members bring their tech dreams to reality, whatever the requirement, budget or funding cycle.”

We’re over the moon to have Andy and the rest of the Deazy team onboard and can’t wait to start working with Deazy to bring their technical know-how to our community.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Featured Partnerships then go here and if you want to learn more about Deazy then go here.