“Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to achieve something above the ordinary.”
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to achieve something above the ordinary and to me, that was starting a business. I would typically over-analyse every idea I had to the point that I would find too many faults or problems, and then I would decide it wasn’t worthwhile and quit before I even began.
On 26th December 2016, I decided to make a change and made a list of every idea I could remember (tip: write them down as you go!) and then narrowed them down to the ones that truly solved a problem that I had. This then led to only one remaining, a petite clothing brand. Being 5’0 in height and looking around 13 years old, I suffer from a lack of confidence and as such, poorly fitted clothing was a huge factor in holding me back. I knew that others faced the same issues, and so with no regards to any of the concerns that I had, I had made my decision to start a petite clothing brand with the confidence that I had gained in listening to others’ stories about simple ideas turning into successful businesses through the YENA network.
“I cannot describe how much confidence and insight each individual conversation has given me.”
Fast forward two months, and I’m at my first YENA sounding board in London, presenting my biggest challenges to the group. After receiving some real decision-making feedback and incredibly creative ideas from the board, I finally had an action plan in place. That evening was a YENA meet-up where I met many entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. In particular, I met a female entrepreneur who works in an industry with some cross-overs to mine, and since we’ve been in frequent contact and have booked a date in the diary to meet up after both feeling a bit different from our friends in the paths that we’ve chosen.
Overcoming Challenges
Ash and Abby at YENA have so far introduced me to six entrepreneurs in relevant industries who have been incredibly kind to organise a phone or video call with me to answer any questions that I had. I wasn’t quite sure how much to expect from a complete stranger for the first time in speaking to them, but I cannot describe how much confidence and insight each individual conversation has given me. From every call, I’ve discovered something new about how I want my brand to look, or how to overcome an issue. The questions that I had no one to ask from my friends and family suddenly were answered by people with real experience, and since these calls, my progress has come on in leaps and bounds.
YENA is not only a community of people who are endlessly willing to help others succeed, but it is a community that has given me many tiny fragments of courage and confidence every single step of the way – more so than the YENA team and members probably even realise! I now have several entrepreneurs who follow my progress on a regular basis and are there for me when I need to ask a question or have something that I can’t figure out myself.
The First Step
If you’re thinking of starting a business, but you’re not sure what or if you have an idea and just don’t know how to get going, the next best step would be to speak to people who have once been in your situation. The biggest success factor to the progress I’ve made so far in my journey has been networking and speaking with entrepreneurs from all industries, and I wouldn’t have been able to achieve as much as I have without taking that first step and becoming part of the community that is YENA.
Member Name: Becky parker; Company: Parker Petite
Keep up with Becky’s journey on the Parker Petite Instagram account: @ParkerPetite