Tomorrow’s corporates are the startups of today. Your competition. Dffrnt Projects consults corporate clients to identify and implement innovations, powered by startup-driving insights.
Community specialists
The lists of top-performing companies change every year. Yet one thing stays common with all those who find their way to this point – they deliver something that is powerfully aligned with the wants and needs of their market. Companies who end up on top often forget this and get out maneuvered by smaller, faster moving, and well-funded startups.
Everything we do starts with community.
The rise of community over the past 10 years is clear. From small meetup groups to massive social platforms – people are the heart of everything and success relies on understanding their wants & needs.
We’re making it our job to help companies avoid this disruption and capitalise on new practices, trends, and innovation.
What we do
- Community consulting – either project or ongoing via non-exec level CCO (Chief Community Officer) individuals, to help you build-out and run community programs for customers and other stakeholders
- Designing & implementing Innovation Labs and branded accelerator programs
- Market research projects into the demands and expectations of the creator, startup, and scale-up community
- Design & implementation of internal innovation funds & scouting programmes