Hey Yena Community!
Liv here, hence the blog title Liv for the Week. I’m a University of Bristol student studying in my penultimate year for my integrated Masters in Psychology with Innovation. I’m the new Yena intern and I’ll be running some of the blog posts over the coming months. I’ll mainly be writing about businesses in the Yena community, but, for my first blog, it seems appropriate to tell you about my first week on the job.
Getting started:
Before getting down to the nitty-gritty of all things Yena, Ash, Abby and I all went out for lunch to get to know each other better and set out plans for the next few months. This was super useful for me to get a clearer idea of where my help is needed and for them to understand what I’m hoping to get from this internship.
What my role involves:
My role will mainly be focused on marketing and event organisation within Yena, but I’m also here to (hopefully) make life a bit easier for Ash & Abby by freeing up their time to focus on investment opportunities and business development. Last week we began by discussing potential marketing strategies that we can get started on ASAP, to include a wide range of channels such as paid ads and community engagement. After Ash delivered the pitch deck to me, I felt much more clued up on the workings of Yena, with knowledge of investment intentions and future plans. By Thursday I was properly into the swing of the job and began to feel more comfortable in my position.
The stereotype of making cups of tea throughout an internship is definitely not what my position will involve and working for a busy startup in a small team is what appealed to me so much about this role. I’m very much looking forward to working for a company where I feel my help is actually needed and I can see tangible impact through my work.
If any members have a startup story to share and would like to feature on these blog posts then feel free to reach out.
I look forward to getting to know more of you in the Yena community so watch this space for blogs over the coming weeks!